
The Blind Relief Association Nagpur’s

Dr. Dinkar W. Hardas

Mundle English Medium School


South Ambazari Road, Opposite Government ITI College, Near Dikshabhumi, Nagpur

Numeromagic – An Interschool Mathematics Crossword Competition – Mems

       An Interschool Mathematics Crossword Competition ‘Numeromagic’ was organized on 2nd December 2023 at The Blind Relief Association Nagpur’s Mundle English Medium School. Overall 152 students of 38 leading schools of Nagpur had participated in this unique competition of its own. It was an effort to make the students aware of the importance of Mathematics. An entertainment program was held by the school students, who mesmerized the audience by presenting melodious songs and classical dances.

       Dr. Rishikumar Agrawal (HOD of Mathematics Dept., Hislop College) graced the occasion. The chief guest in his words of wisdom, motivated students to search mathematics in day to day life by giving various examples.

       In this Competition, in Junior Group – Centre Point School, Amravati Road, Bypass emerged as winners. The second and third position was bagged by Sandipani School & The Blind Relief Association Nagpur’s Mundle English Medium School respectively.

       In Senior Group – The Blind Relief Association Nagpur’s Mundle English Medium School emerged as winners and the second and third position was bagged by Centre Point School, Amravati Road, Bypass & Centre Point School, Wardhaman Nagar respectively.

       HOD Mathematics Mrs. Archana Kulkarni & Incharges Mrs. Sneha Kale & Mrs. Ashwini Hirde, all the mathematics teachers strived hard for the smooth execution of the programme.    

       Chairman Shri. Makarand Pandharipande, Headmaster (High School) Ms. Manjul Mehta, Headmaster (Primary) Mrs. Megha Padhye, Supervisor Mrs. Shilpa Dongre and staff members congratulated the winners.