
The Blind Relief Association Nagpur’s

Mundle English Medium School


South Ambazari Road, Opposite Government ITI College, Near Dikshabhumi, Nagpur

Blog – Mems

Food For Thought… The Craft Of Balancing

Every morning you open your newspaper hoping to find news about the end of controls, a boom in housing and employment, and the beginning of world peace. But what do you actually find? The world is going deeper into the mess than it was yesterday.

मागे वळून पाहताना...

एप्रिल २०२३ ला The Blind Relief Association Nagpur’s Mundle English Medium School ला २५ वर्ष पूर्ण झाली. अजूनही तो दिवस डोळ्यांपुढे अगदी स्पष्टपणे उभा राहतो ज्या दिवशी मी शिक्षकपदासाठी interview करता आले होते. शाळेच्या इमारतीच्या भिंती केवळ ७/८ फूट बांधल्या गेल्या होत्या.

Uniform – A Cloth of Dignity

It was her first day at School. I got her ready in her new red pinafore, helped her to put on white socks, polished black shoes and fastened her hair with a hairband. We rode to School. I was anxious, a bit nervous, a bit doubtful to part away with her for only two hours of her pre-school.

निस्वार्थ सेवा...

It was her first day at School. I got her ready in her new red pinafore, helped her to put on white socks, polished black shoes and fastened her hair with a hairband. We rode to School. I was anxious, a bit nervous, a bit doubtful to part away with her for only two hours of her pre-school.

कृष्ण जगतगुरु क्यों?

श्रीकृष्ण, विष्णु के आठवें अवतार माने गए हैं। कन्हैया, श्याम, गोपाल, केशव, द्वारकेश या द्वारकाधीश, वासुदेव आदि नामों से भी उनको जाना जाता है। कृष्ण निष्काम कर्मयोगी, आदर्श दार्शनिक, स्थितप्रज्ञ एवं दैवी संपदाओं से सुसज्जित महान पुरुष थे।

अभ्यास आनंदाचा...

मुलांनो, अभ्यास हा शब्दच मुळी तुमचा नावडता. काहींचा तो आवडता असेलही, पण काहीसाठी तो नावडता. कंटाळा, आळस, त्रागा करून अभ्यास करणे, अथवा त्यातून पळवाट म्हणून काही ना काही कारणे शोधणे हे पालकांसाठी व आम्हा शिक्षकांसाठी नवीन नाही.


देशभरात पसरलेल्या उपसंस्कृती आणि हजारो वर्षांच्या परंपरा यांची एकत्रित वळलेली मोट म्हणजे ‘भारतीय संस्कृती’. आपली संस्कृती ही अनेक प्रसिध्द गुरूंचे व योगशिक्षकांचे आश्रयस्थान आहे. भारतीय संस्कृतीला स्वतंत्र अशी वेगळी वैशिष्ट्ये आणि परंपरा लाभलेली आहे. आपल्या देशात अनेक धर्म, जाती आणि विविध संप्रदायाचे लोक राहतात.

Food For Thought… The Craft Of Balancing

We always talk of eating a balanced diet for good health. But have we ever thought of leading a balanced life for a peaceful and blessed present and future? Life is very much a balancing act, and we are always just a step away from a fall.

प्रार्थनायाः महत्त्वम्।

प्रतिगृहं प्रतिदिनं जनाः प्रार्थनां कुर्वन्ति। परन्तु प्रार्थना किमर्थं कर्तव्या, एतस्मिन् विषये वयं सम्यक् न जानीमः। बाल्यादेव प्रतिगृहं प्रार्थनां पाठयते। जनाः प्रतिदिनं प्रार्थनां कुर्वन्ति परन्तु प्रार्थनायाः उद्देषः कतिपयः जनाः जानन्ति? पाठषालायाम् अपि प्रतिदिनं प्रार्थनायाः गायनं भवति। यदि वयं प्रार्थनायाः महत्त्वं जानीमः तर्हि तस्याः फलमपि प्राप्स्य